Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Health & safety Production Assessment

Hazardous material or procedure
(What could go wrong?)
Control Measures
(Safety Precautions)
Action –
 in case of accident
Remaining Risk

 Cables in studio on the floor 

 Some one could trip up and fall over
 Make sure that cables are placed carefully and out of the way telling cast where they are to warn/make them aware of the risk 
 Contact someone of authority at the college and seek medical advice from doctor or hospital if necessary 


Main talent  Walks/Sitting next to an abandoned building 

 Glass or sharp objects could be present on the scene and my actress could cut herself

 Look around the area I wish my actress to walk/sit to make sure there is not harmful material present 
  Contact someone of authority at the college and seek medical advice from doctor or hospital if necessary 



During filming something could set fire when I have candles in a certain location 
place candles in jars so that if they fall over at all, nothing catches fire as easily

To avoid a fire, don't leave candles unattended 

Leave by the nearest exit and call 999. 
Also, contact people of authority.


Allergic reaction to paint (used on hands and face of main talent) 

As this paint will be going directly onto my main actress' face and hands, there could be an allergic reaction from the paint on her skin

To avoid this, I will carry out a skin test well before shooting to see if there is an affect on the skin. 

Take my main talent to seek medical advice


car accident 
(To get to and from different locations, I will be driving my cast)

Could be a crash and I would be held responsible if someone were injured.  

Make sure all cast are wearing seat belts (I also have a warning noise in my car if someone doesn't) and make sure they tell their parents where they are going.

Call 999 and inform someone of authority 

Low - (I am a legal driver) 

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