Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Evaluation - Question 3 - What have I learnt from my audience feedback?

This video above is my focus group. Within this video I have asked the following questions which are similar to those of my focus group when I was researching, however asked in a different way (see below).

The questions I asked in my audience feedback video (above) were the following - 

  1. How well do you feel my music video suites my chosen genre of Indie/Rock?
  2. Do you think it is suitable for my target audience of 16 years and above - e.g. suitable footage
  3. My conventions are similar to that of the 1975's "Sex" music video; Do you think the quick/fast editing works well for my music video?
  4. Can you tell the editing speeds up as the song progresses? 
  5. Can you understand the narrative of my music video? 
  6. Do my costumes work well? 
From feedback I can relate it to my first focus group to see how I have or havent stuck to certain aspects of the chosen genre and information from my research. From this feedback I can see where my strengths are. My target audience suggest how they like my fast editing and say that is effective. As I whole I think my music video was a sucessful product for the chosen genre of indie/rock due to the responses I have recieved.

I decided to get more feedback from different age ranges. So I asked my family and 2 of my friends my age the following questions in the image above. 
The people I asked were: 

Mum and Dad - 46 and 49
Aunt and Uncle - 43 and 45 
Cousins - 23 and 21 
Grandmas - 67 and 65
Friends - 17 and 18

From doing this I found out that my ancillary texts are OK, but not as good as they could be. The images I used were to represent the movement captured in the pool scene but in a different form. This is to represent the decline into her use of drugs throughout my music video. However, as my Grandmas are of an older generation, they were the ones whom of which did not quite understand why I did this and didn't know what the relation was between the ancillary texts and main product. 

If I were to do this project again, I think I would spent more time on my ancillary texts as I found it hard to balance my time with my other coursework regardless of how much I planned to organize my time.

After I asked different members of my family and two of my friends the questions seen above, I also asked whether they like that I didn't use a tripod for most of my music video. I explained why I only used the tripod in the studio/green screen scenes - To get a steady cam when turning the light on and off. The response was that it makes them feel that they are actually there in the video watching Jodee. This was the response I wanted within my music video without using a tripod. As the audience understand this, I believe that my intensions were successful. 


Asking Questions to College Students as part of my Target Audience Research
  1. What types of iconography/conventions would you expect from a music video of a rock/indie genre?
  2. What age range would you say would be suitable for drug use and sex conventions to be in a music video?
  3. How do you watch music videos?
  4. How often do you use youtube? - Do you use youtube over a music video tv channel?
  5. Which artist is your favourite for the genre Rock/Indie?
  6. I'm inspired by Rihanna's distrtbia music video, and this is how I want to present my drug scenes - although I will make this suit my music genre. Do you think this is a good idea?
What I learnt from this was what main elements I should include in my music video such as leather jacket (in the club scene), dark make-up (crazy studio scene) and so on. As I said I wanted my music video to be abstract like Rihanna's music video, I stuck to this point mostly with having fast edits and sped up scenes for a unnatural look/atmosphere to be created. From this research I did at the start, I believe I tried to stick to the main points which my target audience stated in the video above. By keeping to these points I think I was successful in producing a music video for my target audience; I think this because in the first video in the green room, my target audience said how they understand the narrative and that the video is good for my target audience set and is suitable. From doing another focus group after producing my final product, I can receive feedback on how well or badly I have done in this project. From asking a range of people, the majority understand and like my music video and understand why I have used certain techniques to produce a certain outcome. 

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