Monday, 3 March 2014

Organising my next shoot

To organise my next shoot I had to make sure I didn't have anymore university interview commitments to be able to concentrate on completing my music video as I have had to sit my work aside a few weeks for college trips and university interviews that are too far for me to drive there and back in one day.

Now I have no more interviews and neither does my main talent, I can organise a shoot at Beverley swimming baths for my underwater scenes. Before I called, I had to check the days Jodee was working, therefore, it was only logical to look at her rota. 

Jode works in a restaurant which is very busy so organising this a week in advance gives her work enough notice if they needed anyone last minute. This rota shows that Jodee is working Friday evening, Sunday evening and Saturday evening which is great for me to be able to get a shoot done during the week. 

This is the rota for Beverley swimming bath pools rota found online. 

The black circle is where Beverley leisure centre is located in my town. Too shoot here I will pick Jodee up from the other side of town as it would be a long walk for her and I will also pay for her once we get there to go film. 



For the task in hand, I didn't need a full wet suit as this was carried out in a swimming pool, however, i still needed to wear a wet suit to prevent the BCD  (Buoyancy control device) from rubbing on my skin. The buoyancy device along with weight belt will allow me to float in the pool and control my depth. By using this I will be able to have continuity throughout my short film clips. I will be using fins to allow me to swim as it is difficult to swim without fins. 

This is my license to show I  am a qualified open water scuba diver. My Dad who will be my dive buddy, will help me by holding my cameras and assisting me with equipment and for safety purposes. 

These images are to prove I've had my father in the water with me and that I took the photographs using the diving equipment. These shots were for a photography project on the same evening however are the only ones with a clear image of my taking the photograph (top) and my father in with me (bottom image) - dads taking an image with the flash 

Hazardous material or procedure
(What could go wrong?)
Control Measures
(Safety Precautions)
Action –
 in case of accident
Remaining Risk

 Walking around the pool

 Some one could trip/slip on the floor 
 Life guard is around at all times incase of an injury or harmful event. 
 Contact someone of authority at the leisure complex  and seek medical advice from doctor or hospital if necessary 


Activity in pool 

My model/main talent could drown if she gets tired 

 Life guard is watching at all times along with my dad who will be in the water as he is a qualified dive master/rescue diver 
  Contact someone of authority at the leisure complex  and seek medical advice from doctor or hospital if necessary 


Scuba equipment

During filming the dive tank could hit tiles in or out of the  water 

My dad will put the dive equipment in the pool first so we don't damage the pool when entering. This means we will put the dive equipment in the water. 

My dad will also keep an eye out if, when I'm moving around the pool for different shots, int damage the pool tiles. 

Contact someone of authority 


Scuba equipment 

The equipment hasn't been used in a few year so their May be a problem such as a air leak from the tank or pipes 

To avoid this, me and my dad will carry out the usual procedure to check all the equipment. This entails checking the DV, the octopus, stages one and two along with a few more steps.

Accend to surafce ASAP. The pool is not deep enough to need a deco stop. 


car accident 
To and from house to leisure complex

Could be a crash and I would be held responsible if someone were injured.  

Make sure all seat belts are worn and my dad will be taking the scuba diving equipment in his car in case or an accident as he knows what to do if tanks were to be damged in a accident 

Call 999 

Low - (I am a legal driver and been driving for a year in May) 

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